Thursday, April 02, 2009

Indian Campsites

Today, our neighbor, Dennis, took us out into the desert near the two sisters mountains. It was quite a four-wheel drive through deep ruts and then sandy material. We followed the dirt road past the mountains and finally parked in the middle of nowhere.

Dennis told us that the indians used to camp in the hollows of the hilly desert and to look for rocks in a semi-circle or what might look like a campsite. Many arrowheads and pottery shards have been found around these campsites.

So, armed with water and hats, we started on foot into the desert. It was amazing how hilly the terrain was. Within minutes, we could no longer see the cars. But Doug had his gps and Dennis had been here many times and both felt very comfortable about finding their way back.

We spent close to an hour and a half wandering and searching. The sun was hot and there was little breeze and we began to get tired. Heading back to the cars, we covered new ground but never found a single artifact. Still, it was a fun afternoon with a good visit. Thanks Dennis!

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