Monday, July 06, 2009

Party Park

Crescent Bar is a party town. Last Thursday, the people started pouring into the park with tents, canopies, boats, motorcycles, bicycles, kids, pets, music, cars, food and noise.

Now, don't get me wrong, we like parties too. But the rudeness, speeding through the park and noise were a bit much. (One group was ejected when a member couldn't walk all the way to the restroom and used a public area for you-know-what.) Well, Sunday afternoon, the tent people packed it up and headed back to work. Then today, the rest of the still-working crowd ended their 3 or 4 day holiday and moved on down the road.

So this evening it is quiet and peaceful. There are empty sites in front of us and beside us and behind us. Aaaaaahhhhhh...........

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