Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hot, Hot, Hot

First and foremost.......Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there! With a special hug to Bob!

We broke down and started using the air conditioner this week. I'm sure we won't be too thrilled with the electric bill but it feels nice inside. the downside (besides the bill) is that it's so comfortable in the coach that we don't spend much time outside.

Doug did some panning of the dirt he brought home last week. To our delight,

this appeared. It's a nice little flake along with some tiny pieces.

The gold called to us again on Wednesday so we spent the day in the desert.

This little guy was waiting for us in the wash where we like to dig. Those colors in the picture don't begin to do justice to his real colors. He was about 10 inches long with that tail and didn't seem to be the least concerned with us. It was about nine o'clock in the morning and already the temperature was in the 90's. He was just soaking up the heat.

After several hours of digging, we hopped back into the air conditioned car and decided to follow a jeep trail that we had never been on.

We discovered this old house way back in the desert. Of course Doug had to investigate! I was more than a little concerned about snakes but Doug poked around for a few minutes without any problem. It's interesting to find old places out here. My imagination takes off, dreaming of who took the time to build this home so far away from everything. And why? Gold, I'm sure. What a rugged way to live.

Other than that, we stuck close to home. A little garage sale-ing over the weekend netted us nothing. We found that sales here start early (7 or 8) and are over by 1pm. We'll have to adjust our timing a little if we want to find some bargains.

Stay tuned......we'll be back next weekend.

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