Thursday, January 22, 2009

Colds, Water and Rain

Sure wish I had something exciting and thrilling to blog about today. But the truth is we both woke up with terrible colds.....hacking, sneezing and feeling rotten. Fortunately, we didn't have to do anything other than wander up to the office and register and run to the store for milk.

Although, I had a call from my son with an interesting conundrum. What happens when your home owners association doesn't pay the water bill for five months? Then locks the office doors and doesn't answer the phones when the water is cut off? The city water department doesn't care....they just want their $60,000. And the lawyers don't care.....they want a $175 fee upfront to even speak with you. Now what???? You call the local tv station and gather the other home owners.

Voila! The city agrees to turn the water back on until an agreement can be reached. What a mess. Mick had to cut short his work trip to rush back to Phoenix and deal with this mess. It's been a long day for him.

We had a little rain again in the night. The day was overcast but still warm and the rain held off until dark. I'm sure you feel sorry for us. lol

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